Detailed Schedule


updated on 17 July, 2024

Jul 2114:00 – 17:00Registration
Jul 2209:00 – 11:00Opening Ceremony
14:00 – 17:00 Icebreaker
17:00 – 18:00Campus Walk
Jul 23 – Jul 26

09:00 – 12:00

14:00 – 17:00

Lectures & Discussions
Jul 27
Jul 2809:00 – 17:00Visit the Shanghai Meteorological Museum/Zikawei Observatory Museum (arranged in groups)
Jul 29 – Aug 7

09:00 – 12:00

14:00 – 17:00

Lectures & Discussions
Aug 809:00 – 11:00Mini-Project Presentation
11:00 – 12:00Closing Ceremony and Award Announcing

Keynote Speaker Lecture Topics Date
Aiguo Dai

Precipitation response to global warming;

Drought under global warming;

Climatic impacts of Arctic sea ice-air interactions;

Cause and impacts of Arctic amplification

Jul 23 — Jul 24
Alexander BaklanovEnvironmental and climate change: interactions and seamless integrated multi-scale modellingJul 25 — Jul 26
Panmao ZhaiClimate change risks and governanceJul 29 — Jul 30
Tong ZhuHealth effects of air pollution;Health effects of climate changeJul 31 — Aug 1
Greg Carmichael

Advancing atmospheric composition analysis and predictions and related services to meet the growing societal needs;

Multi-sensor exposure estimates to help better understand air pollution & climate change impacts on life-span health

Aug 2
Jürg Luterbacher

Early warnings for all initiative: Opportunities for UN organizations and scientist to collaborate on global climate challenge;

Volcanoes, climate and extremes; the Tambora volcano of 1815, an example of the impact on climate, society, health and economy

Aug 3
Elena Xoplaki

Using climate models for societal impact studies and AI for natural disaster management: the ITU/WMO/UNEP Focus Group AI4NDM;

Climate variability and resilience of past societies

Aug 4
Rajesh Kumar

Deterministic and probabilistic short-term air quality predictions;

Future projections of air quality in a changing climate

Aug 5
Daniele ViolettiIntergovernmental processes on climate change and latest developmentAug 6 — Aug 7